
Writing Your First dbt Package

A comprehensive guide on how to create dbt packages with working code examples, and an open-source repo that you can build from.


If you've spent enough time working with dbt or in the dbt community, you've likely come across dbt packages. Your first interaction with one of these packages might have been the dbt utils package or one of the many packages Fivetran provides for their data models. But if you're like me, your curiosity is never satisfied, and you soon find yourself wondering how to create your own dbt package. That's what we'll be exploring today.

We'll cover everything from the different types of packages and what you need to build one to more subtle details like how a package works under the hood and the best development workflow.

Types of dbt packages

Two types of dbt packages are generally available:

  • Internal packages built for use cases within your organization

  • External packages that are more generalized for broader users across companies.

Internal packages can be beneficial for helping spread the adoption of best practices and for making the lives of your peers better.

For example, some ideas for internal packages might be bespoke tests or custom macros for repetitive tasks such as parsing and cleaning website URLs and emails. Internal packages can take advantage of your business domain context without the overhead of making a solution overly generalized and customizable.

External packages take what you've learned internally and go one step further. They can take many forms, and all you need to do is browse dbt's package hub to get a sense of what's possible; from code generation to artifact creation to modeling, there are many ways to build valuable packages for the community. One caveat is that building an external package often means building in a more generalized and abstract way, which can be tricky at times, but hopefully, this guide will help you get started.

When should you write a dbt package, and why?

Not every idea needs a dbt package, and abstractions can be costly. For example, if you're a small team working out of one dbt repo, you might not need a dbt package since you can add macros and tests directly to your project repository.

However, a package might be a good idea if you have multiple projects within your company or you are building something unique that you think is broadly helpful and doesn't involve business-specific logic. When creating a package, you open up your work to the broader community, which can help others facing a similar problem and even encourage contributions from the dbt community!

Basic dbt package concepts

At its core, a dbt package is a dbt project that can be installed as a module within another dbt project and referenced. To install a package, you define it in your packages.yml file. You can install packages from dbt hub, git, or a local folder on your computer (great for local development).

# packages.yml
 - package: dbt-labs/snowplow
   version: 0.7.0

 - git: ""
   revision: 0.1.21

 - local: /opt/dbt/redshift

Once you run dbt deps, dbt will install the packages specified in your packages.yml file to your dbt_packages directory.

Packages are namespaced, similar to your main dbt project. In your dbt_project.yml file, you declare a name for your package. You also use that package name to configure your models. The same principle applies to packages you install.

# dbt_project.yml
name: jaffle_shop
 		+schema: sales
	+schema: my_package

You can extend this logic to variables as well. Variables can be defined globally or tied to a particular package. We'll touch on variables and how they can enhance your packages shortly.

my_global_var: 'i_love_cookies'
    start_date: '2022-01-01'
	platforms: ['web', 'mobile']

Writing a package

When learning to write packages, there are a couple of approaches. First, it's helpful to learn from other packages. Fortunately, there are many open-source dbt packages that you can use as a starting point to understand how they're built— take a spin through the dbt hub and crack open the hood on a few interesting looking packages!

The second approach is to just dive right in and write a package, which we'll do now. In this example, we'll pretend that we are a software company called Penta that writes data in a standard format to a data warehouse. We want to build a dbt package for our customers so they can take advantage of modeled views based on the raw data our application feeds in.

Creating a dbt Package Project

We'll start by creating a new dbt project.

dbt init dbt-penta

This command will create a project skeleton. First, we'll update the dbt_project.yml file with a barebones schema. Next, we'll also define the schema where we want to write our models by default.

# dbt_project.yml
name: "dbt_penta"
	version: "0.1.0"
	config-version: 2
	require-dbt-version: [">=1.0.0", "<2.0.0"]
		+schema: Penta

Defining the Raw Data

Like any good project, we first need to define where our raw data is. Since users may have custom locations for data ingestion, it's best to use a variable to allow users to set their schema and table names. We will be good data citizens and also add some documentation to our tables.

version: 2
	 - name: penta_raw
	 schema: "{{ var('penta_raw_schema', 'Penta') }}"
	 database: "{{ var('penta_raw_database', target.database) }}"
	 - name: changelog
	 description: |
	 	This table contains a row for every operation performed by Penta
	 	It includes the result of the operation, as well as any error messages.	 
	 - name: id
	 description: The id of the change
	 - name: event
	 description: The event that caused the change
	 - name: meta
	 description: Additional metadata about the change
	 - name: op_type
	 description: |
	 Whether the row was added, changed, or removed relative to the last run.

You can imagine repeating this process for every raw table and dataset's columns.

From here, you would continue to build your package as if it was a typical dbt project. Use the same dbt best practices, such as creating staging tables that reference source tables and making sure to only reference staging tables in your downstream models.

# stg_penta__changelog.yml

with base as (
select * from {{ source('penta_raw', 'changelog') }}

Consider compatibility issues

Recall that your users may use different warehouses, so using the built-in dbt macros for cross-database compatible functions is essential. For example, datediff has different arguments depending on the underlying warehouse, so a more compatible approach might look like this:

These macros are native to dbt Core as of v1.2. If you are running dbt Core < v1.2, you'll need to use the dbt_utils package to import them. Usage is the same, just use dbt_utils.datediff rather than dbt.datediff.


{{ dbt.datediff('started_at', 'finished_at', 'second') }} as sync_elapsed_seconds

Using variables in your models

You can also use variables to control the behavior of your models. For example, you may wish to allow your users to disable specific models:

In your model, set a model as enabled based on the presence of a variable like this:

{{ config(
	 enabled = not var('penta_complex_models_disabled', False)

Local testing

Once you've built and documented your models, you can test them locally. The easiest way is to use your existing dbt project as a test bed. First, add a local definition in your dbt project (not in your new package).

# packages.yml

	- local: /Users/pedram/my_cool_packages/packages/penta

Then run dbt deps to ensure the local version installs and works as expected. Next, test out your variables to make sure they function too. Finally, if everything looks okay, you're ready for the scariest part, deploying it in the wild! (You'll do great, I promise.)

Publishing your package

The final step is to make your package available to the public. You'll want to create a helpful README that describes what your package does. Here's a great example of what a README looks like by the folks at Fivetran.

If you really want to go the extra mile, you can create a Hex project that showcases your dbt package in action for bonus points! Here's an example of just that, from the Hightouch team. Get inspired!

Next, create a GitHub repo and add the contents of your package directory. Once you've pushed your repo to GitHub, people can now install it directly from git, similar to how you specified a local folder above:

 - git: "" # git URL
 	revision: main # tag or branch name

Once pushed, you'll want to test this again to ensure your package still installs. Then, if everything looks good, you're ready to cut a release. GitHub makes it straightforward to create a named release, and I'd encourage you to read up on Semantic Versioning to help your users understand what changes might break compatibility with previous versions.

If everything looks good, the last step is to release your package on dbt hub by creating a Pull Request. Take a look at this PR if you need some inspiration; only a few lines of code are needed.

Wrapping up

Once you’ve published your package, it’s time to celebrate. If your package helped solve a problem you face, odds are it’ll help someone else too, so let the community know on dbt Slack to encourage adoption and feedback. If you get stuck anywhere, the community is very helpful as well. I hope this was a useful tour of the dbt package ecosystem. You’re well on your way to being a dbt expert.

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